Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Mail is BACK!

Yes i got my mail back!

I was worried when i finaly got my ticket back though, bliz is great only took 40 hours to respond.

Anyway i made my goal of getting my gear, but i diddent make that 25k gold goal. This was mainly because of gearing up, needed new gems enchants and stuff and also because i stocked up on loads of herbs while restarting my glyph making.

Here is my current gold total:

Goals for the week

  • break 26k gold!


In glyph making news i made 600g on the first day (24 hours)! This is great news, its so great that i can now repost undercut items so fast!!!

P.S I keep all my gold on the toons that made it. Kwii will not make any money atm ore up enchanting matts down. Spler will always be the big money maker fliping. Hoath will be keeping profits from selling glyphs. Planing on setting up another toon to sell random junk ie vender bought items and recipies. Kwii might start selling enchanting scrolls. But hey, im going to take one thing at a time, spread slowly.

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