Friday, January 1, 2010

Great start for 2010

Well where do i start! Busy busy busy day, got alot done.


Today i bought a Hog, it was only 12500g i had to! Thats below the vender bought parts!

Im NOT going to learn it, planing on selling it for a few thousand gold profit.


Bought some herbs to mill, needed to increase my stocks if im going to be selling glyphs, i also milled alot of icethorn from my Guild bank that i had stored, i needed more room for my next project.

Titanium Ore

Well i notaced that Titanium Ore had reached 200g a stack. I haddent seen that price since 3.2 so i just had to buy! I also talked to a known farmer.

The convo went like this:

Can i get a discont on Titanium Ore if i buy all?
-No lower than 190g stack
Can't i get at 185?
-No thanks
Ok il buy at 190 a stack
-7.5 stacks for 1400g

Well anyway his price of 1400 for all was 186g a stack, with this i met up and bought it all, aswell is others on the AH.

It apears that ALL my servers farmers farm the same thing, weather they all work togeather at the same company or somthing i dont know. But its either Herbs or Ore, why cant they do both?


well I decided not to flip the stacks, but insteed to prospect them, and lucky i mannaged to get 1 epic gem a stack. In the pic i have also added a few days worth of gem transumtes from badspler.

Eternal earths

Eternal earths are a buyproduct of mining Titanium Ore, farmers like to dump this for quick sales, i bought it all, about 100 at 6gold a peace.

Earth Shuffling

I sent the earths to roguespler to be turned into rings and then disecnated.


I then sent the lot to Kwii to be sold.

This has been my biggest collect in a single 50 mail

I also made a 1k collect earler from other gems and Titanium Ore powder

Frost lotus

I notaced that there was about 20 frost lotus in AH from 15 sellers, all at 50gold ea. I decided to buy all of them, as the weekends coming and i want to stop compdators from making flasks.

I also relisted some at 75g to increase the price, hopefuly till the next monday crash. Currently there are frost lotus at 70g in AH.


I made some flasks after just to up stocks. Have about 45 Frostworm to sell now.

Wow BUSY day!

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